Shadows of doubt mtg
Shadows of doubt mtg

shadows of doubt mtg

This card was key at every stage of the game, as it pro­vid­ed ma­jor con­vert­ed mana cost dis­counts on al­ready cheap-to-cast cards like Eldrazi Mimic. WotC an­nounced to­day that one of the most im­por­tant cards in the Eldrazi deck, Eye of Ugin, was to be banned from Modern. Today though, the reign of the Eldrazi decks may be over.

shadows of doubt mtg

Reactions to the Banned and Restricted have been mixed in the past, es­pe­cial­ly for the re­cent ban­nings of Splinter Twin and Summer Bloom, which WotC say they did to “ in the in­ter­est of com­pet­i­tive di­ver­si­ty” – a some­what hu­mor­ous state­ment in ret­ro­spect, af­ter dev­as­ta­tion that the Eldrazi decks did in not only the Modern for­mat, but in Legacy as well. Changes to this list can re­al­ly wreck a player’s day – some­times the bans are mi­nor, like the ban­ning of Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time in Modern and Legacy, and their re­stric­tion in Vintage oth­er times the bans are ab­solute­ly crip­pling to cer­tain decks, ren­der­ing them com­plete­ly un­playable, such as the case with Birthing Pod, Splinter Twin, and Summer Bloom. With every new Magic: The Gathering (MtG) set re­leased by Wizards of the Coast (WotC), there also comes changes to its Banned and Restricted list, which gov­erns the cards one can­not play in for­mats like Modern, Legacy, and Vintage.

Shadows of doubt mtg